Friday, November 16, 2012

Christ's Presence

God uses his angels as messengers several times throughout the Bible.  Therefore God looks after us and  even in 1 Peter 3:17 it says, "For it is better to suffer because you are doing good, if the will of God wishes it, than because you are doing evil."  Therefore Angels survive because God has the power to ressurect their spirit after saving lives.  They do purely good for most of them and Angels survive better than you think! So we have more hope in doing good than in doing evil.  And when Mary was to be born a son, the Angel Gabriel was the angel that worked as a messenger to follow through what God had planned for Mary and Joseph in being born a great Son.  Christ's presence has been here with us all along and always will be as when we pray through him to God. Jesus is the Prince of Mankind that causes all Justice to be done at the right hand of Jehovah God.  If we have questions about our beliefs, we want to make sure we are not just rationalizing.  We all are entitled to our freedoms of faith and belief.  When we make  our stand for God we must do it in truth and sincerity.  So if a belief is questionable, one might ask for evidence.  Religion is a science when it comes to how the holy spirit works on people.  And faith without works is dead.  Therefore with no faith, no mere dream comes true.  Ambitious or Not.  So therefore, we must hypothesize about the way things should be and prove it to ourselves and others in truth and sincerity.  Let Jehovah God, Jesus and the Angels be with you!!

Vivar y en Amour!
Dearest Brothers and Sisters Everywhere,



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