Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Existence of Devil Like Places

Johnathan Edwards wrote quite an interesting excerpt and he had quite a clear point when he used scriptures from the thoughts of 2-3 different Bibles to prove his point. Part of his movement was considered the Great Awakening. The question is how can the past excerpts about religion help modern religions today? He talked about much of what our Bible calls lukewarmness and he professed that if you didn't proclaim to your faith that just like a spider web catches a fly you can be ensnared or caught in an entrapment by people. And Salem Witch Trials that Cotton Mather talked about much of the superstitions of the past that caused innocent people to die even though it may have been necessary to make an example out of one person who practiced witchcraft and demonism who harmed or hurt others, it was not necessary with superstitious beliefs to kill the others. Undereducation is what harms us all the most. Anyhow, I liked "Sinners In the Hands of an Angry God" because he bounced off of several perspectives of people used more than one Bible and God's name Jehovah and proved his point accurately and brought the world together in harmony of what he thought God's will should be like rather than all these misguided and monopolized organizations that after a while end up losing their purpose in bringing together the harmony and safety of a world which changes the way mankind lives. Yet, the devil like places..yes Johnathan Edwards has said to be aware of these.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Play On

It is possible to co-exist and help one another..make a pact or something not to kill one another learn to live and love from one another..Respect and Conquer all.

God is there

Look all around you, ..your children..your rivers..lakes..waters..streams..all made for you to enjoy and each other's company to learn a lasting devotion of love to one another.. God is in the courts, God is in the people. Never be discouraged. Have the will to live my friend.. and even your animals..are they not meant to be loved and cherished?

Do Your Research My Friends

You may never know what might come up..who may taunt you..and how you are going to persevere. Start planning. Never judge a book by its cover, don't kill a mockingbird, do your research..I'll advise you and you'll pass the test of life with flying colors..don't ever be too sure of yourself and trust nobody but live for God and faith and fine works in the justice of the things he does. Real friends will not forsake one another..and true families stick together regardless of differences. Try investigating and learning about your own innocent curiousity of the world..but remember to tread with caution because curiousity killed the cat. Live, Laugh, Love..

Living Sacrifices Enough

We can be a living sacrifice without spreading ourselves too takes a group effort thought and a righteous and precise disciplined one.. "God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son." We should love the world with the same love and devotion God put in it..a place where God exists again..bc we are made in his image and yes, "Do not be loving the things in the world for those who love the things in the world the love of the father is not in him." and suicide is a helpful one and if you die for God die faithfully and old to the hilt..have the will to live my friends..vivar y en amour

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My prayer tonight(Thinking of You)

I sing Lasso as a personal observation of the world every night before I go to bed. I like the words,.." Loving you was like trying to throw a lasso around a tornado." Truthfully this is what it feels like and spiritually exhausting even though the day you do it is such a gift from God as you become part of these ppl's lives.

"Your heavenly father Jehovah, I'm so worried when I don't talk to my friends. I hate cruel lessons and I love them for who they are so much. I hope that Derek isn't too wreckless, that Brad isn't too desperate, and that Justin doesn't do the wrong things, that Jeremy knows I still love him and that Sarah does well in the new place she's moved to now. I hope they all know that I love them very much and I'm a servant of you so that the love is really coming from you. I want to thank you so much for the memories with my family and friends. I don't want to forget one person I've ran into in my life that I'm fond of. I hope that the police and the firefighters and the paramedics don't get hurt either. I hope they will look after themselves and that they don't hurt one another even when in their most desperate state. Especially, thank you for my special friends and family and the memories that I have with them. And please let somebody look out for the victims in the world. I'm so worried about not talking to my friends because I'm afraid they are going to get hurt or hurt themselves. It seems like it's happened too many times. Thank you for the nature walk today and the rain and the sunshine..every time I see it it reminds me of you and all you represent. I don't want to ever forget all my past lovers and friends and my family. Your heavenly father Jehovah, the people your son saved has become a big part of my life and many are just like family. I worry about them so much but I know there is only so much I can do. Thank you for the religion, the collegiates and criminal justice, poetry, literature and all the other knowledge that is from the Bible that I have loved to learn. I hope that this prayer sets as example for the rest of the world and that they know there was at least one person who loved them all whole-souledly as your witness to your just actions. Please teach them not to forsake one another or leave the world anymore. Love for them all and yet you are Love Jehovah. I love them more than anything. Please don't let them get hurt because one day I want to talk to, see and share things with them again.

***In Christ Jesus Name

Friday, September 09, 2011

Not That I Don't Love You

"Because I'm done hoping we can work it out, I'm done with how it feels, spinning my wheels letting you drag my heart around." I hope that this letter to the world let's them know that I tried to love and protect them the same way that God protected them through his son. However, it's not that I don't love you, but merely the fact I Love You enough to see that the former things of this old world don't throw you away. If I talked to you, there is a good chance I was protecting you..but now I'm tired, as in exhausted and one day I'll make it back to all of you and that's a don't forget me, because one day I will spend time with you again., teach you relate with you and enjoy being a part of you're wonderful life..Until then I'm sorry to say goodbye and I love you. I must bid a farewell and ask that you take care of yourselves for me..because only one person can love so much without sacrificing themselves to the point that they are in a place of jeopardy. So goodbye for a while world, while I fall asleep and dream about you all and everything we did, I will rest and focus on school. Idle World with Love everypart of you spins and moves around.