Sunday, August 28, 2011

Turtle Shells

Haha, you know those days that Mommy and Daddy hide from the kids or the kids just are like, "yay! cousin" and you want to run? Nahh..pfft it's all good just sometimes need a turtle shell! LOL sometimes I feel like a people magnet and life feels just a little scary to me. I love all my family and friends to death. So never got to write about the chance I got to play with my cousin Jenny's kids about the Sunday night, or the other 4 people that visited us that day. Never made it to the hall but got to spend time with Dad and Wes and Uncle John showing them vacation pictures. Then I left for Wal-Mart to get some dog food and yummy food for the house and came back and Ava and Sherri beat me home and I was laughing because I recognized the driving and the car on the hwy and followed them the whole way home thinking, "Ah, what will be my excuse?" Giggling to myself I thought, "Eh, whatever." So they visited while I fed the dogs because they wanted to see grandma bc she was sick. Then, I barely got any sleep and I ended up lying in bed talking to Sarah until Jenny, Jeff, Ethan and Dylan came out. Wow! 9 people in one day was crazy. Grandma was the ninth. Then I had a little drama Tuesday before I went to school and ended up staying at a good friends house and having a really hectic fun first day seeing people like Hayden, or Bob or Vince and some other neat people. So anyhow, the memory of today spurred my memory of wanting to write about then, because I ran about 5-10 pounds off that Sunday probably trying to keep up with my cousins. Prior to that I had helped Dad put the roof on and I was feeling sickly and was trying to hide it best I can..and by that.. I mean physical health..haha but the running helped me and I ate and felt better..and the summers prior to that ..swimming pools with Sarah, seeing a couple sights of Steven or Sarah spending the night and we laughing and her either stalking cows or me eating pork steaks with regular steak seasoning on them at 5 in the morning with Dad and I arguing each other because we woke one another up! Life totally crazy man! But sometimes you gotta love it that way..however I am ready to settle down in an apartment of my own because I feel it would be easier than always running on other people's schedules..which is why in the end school saves me wholly. It is my rehabilitation, my food and heck when did they start putting what we believe is God's personal name in the books? I love that and a big thanks to whoever did that bc, "I Love You Man!" So today at the wedding shower I played with the girls a lot.. and one boy..but man I feel like a kid magnet sometimes..but what can you say? love to play I it was protecting little girls rings from it gettin stolen by another little girls..playing cars with the little boy,.. and pretend air basketball swooshes..haha and a little girl I didn't know again leaning on me..haha and I can't forget knowing that one of my girl cousins hit me hard in the shin with a pony..and then I could totally tell it was the signature of the rough play from that family because we used to rough house when I baby sat them when we were younger. How fun, I love family and friends! And congrats to Jaimie & DeWayne!!


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