Thursday, August 25, 2011

Importante lyrico?

Litvenenko was killed by radiation poisoning. The effects of war has been dramatically brutal 0n society and the outside world. In the story of a terminal spy there is a leader in which many of the characters from Russia and the Soviet Union are carrying on their everyday activities. As part of a cold war Litvenenko was thought to be poisoned by polonium 210 in which was thought to be slipped in his tea at a bar or restaurant. They thought it could have been possibly by the KGB or the Red Army and my friends his story was quite remarkable. He touched the lives of million before he died. He vowed to change the world in remarkable ways and because he had been thought to have ingested the radiation in the tea. Chernobyl, Ukraine was a nuclear development in which underwent damage and because of the radiation and chemicals that hit the environment and got into the physical environment its nuclear chemicals were introduced to the rain cycle and there were several affected by it. The radiation caused cancers and mutations in future generations of their children. If the radiation spills into the environment and the ocean and then we eat the ocean's fish and other inhabitants and then ingest it, it's possible that we could then be overcome with cancer which in reality is just mutated forms of cells. Introduced in small amounts, some chemical elements are used in our healthcare. Yet there is many problems. There is a chance of not only health threats from cancer due to things we are exposed to in our environment, but also the fact that like a cold war food terrorism could be the next thing to sneak up on us. So..if we want to avoid these things we need a group effort and we should emphasize the importance of standards, regulations, rules and laws not only in our life but also in society. So here are some new lyrics for the world...hey? Not too bad is it?


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