Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Understanding 1 Kings Chapter 21 & 22..Gotta Read This:

[New World Translation] I just recently researched 'Angel' and one of the scriptures they use from the insight book is one of them we read for tonights meetings. Now they talk about "the word" in symbolic senses and it means prophets or angels from God and the "messenger" might have meant a single angel or human from God. Tonights reading is really interesting..please read on..Na'both didn't want to give his vineyard to A'hab so he talked to Jezebel his wife dejectedly about it. So Jezebel sent letters to two older men that would witness against Naboth and get him stoned to death. Naboth would not give up his vineyard as a sign of loyalty to the law of God and considered it his inheritance. BUT, 1 Kings 22:21 an angel of God tries to fix the incident that had occurred. While King Ahab was busy taking over the vineyard "Finally a spirit came out and stood before Jehovah and said, 'I myself shall fool him.' At that Jehovah said to him, 'By what means?' To this he said, 'I shall go forth, and I shall certainly become a deceptive spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.' So he said [Jehovah] 'You will fool him and what is more you will come out the winner. Go out and do that way. Jehovah himself had spoken calamity concerning the typical consequences for their actions to make it right..once again was death. I personally found this interesting because it is sad that for millions of years this is what humankind has resorted to..but we must battle by word and quit fighting over the petty minor things of life and Especially revert any lame tongued speach away from stumbling another.


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