Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I'm a lover not a hater: I care more than you think.

I have started a new semester with sociology, art appreciation, college algebra and oral communications. I have a few friends right now and I love spending time with them. In Oral Communications I learned that I was a number one type of person. I constantly ask myself 'why?' and I am a thinker like our Roman models. I love reading the Bible yet and tying in what I have learned from my classes already. Its my absolute favorite to listen to love songs and look at my old poems. I hope I have my music played off of a Yahoo Radio when I have my wedding! I have picked through a lot of good songs and I have my own older collection. I love Rockstar Energy drinks and the music by them of course too. I'm listening to Nellie Fretado right now.

So here is a new poem:

I'm a lover not a hater
Look me up and down
Talk about me all you want
If I'm not good enough for you turn around
Walk Out
In fact Run!
Because I have nothing better to do
Then make friends, go to school,
Have guy friends
And Have fun!


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