Friday, February 12, 2010

I'm going to be twenty !

I am so excited that I'm going to be twenty!! Hello World, here I come. P.S. I Love You very much! I can't wait to see what else awaits. I love my friends dearly and hope that all have a nice weekend. As for me, I am excited, excited, EXCITED! Then again, ...I'm getting pretty old aren't I? Haha, at least I'm not over the hill yet. Hehe. Mom's birthday is two days before mine. So this means that she I am a third of her age, as far as doing some math and my bro is getting older too. He is 25. Wow! I hope my Dad doesn't get any older though. I love him too much and I don't want to see any of my family go. That's what he talks about sometimes. He's sick right now not feeling well. Could be missing work too. Either way Love my family & friends very, very much! And I do like the show, "P.S. I Love You" because I'm just like that! That's right. I'm attached. Oh and I drove through a crater today. Hopefully my car's ok..., that wouldn't be a very nice valentine's day if my car broke down because of dragging this old unconditioned road. Still leaving every morning and challenging a hillside of snow with front wheel drive!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

For Sale: 1998 & 1993 Chevy's & Ford Dump Truck

We have a 1993 & 1998 Cheyenne Chevy trucks for sale & 1 Ford Dump Truck. Please call 636-221-2230 if you are interested.

Sociology-The Modal Personality

I was in Professor Cunningham's Sociology class today and must I say he is a superb teacher. I thought the Modal personality was very exciting. See where this fits with your family and children. This is "truth" that what you do at an early age really affects your children. My professor has the evidence and the knowledge! Look at the lists below.
1)Warm-Loving & Restrictive Parents- Usually servants of society, have Ethics, Submissive, Good Manners, Shy/Quiet, Other-centered, has patience, discipline, caring, dependent, manages emotion easily, stubborn-strong willed.
2)Warm-Loving & Permissive- Usually rulers of society, take risks/outgoing/ issues w/ authority/outspoken/temper outburst/ Independent/Creative,Self-Centered, Brat.
3) Restrictive-Cold Hostile: Bond-Attachment disorder. Angry @ society. Usually Murderers fall into this category or the 2nd. Tends to -Go after weaker meek people or animals. For ex-abuse animal or elderly. Learning issues-anger. Revenge.-Hold's grudges for years. Social skills- Usually guilty of Bullying and Assault by character type.
4) Cold-Hostile & Permissive- Ex . Baby crying and nobody comes for hours. Baby thinks- "Nobody cares, I am damaged goods." Angry @self. Usually "Victims" of society. Lack of social skills. Learning delays. Malnutrition or opposite. Usually has problems with controlling food or has early experiences with Alcohol, Drugs or Sex. Needs sense of belonging/connection. Grows Up very fast. Uses Drugs or cutting to ease pain,.(NOT RECOMMENDED) Extreme Introvert. May struggle with anorexia or bolemia.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I'm a lover not a hater: I care more than you think.

I have started a new semester with sociology, art appreciation, college algebra and oral communications. I have a few friends right now and I love spending time with them. In Oral Communications I learned that I was a number one type of person. I constantly ask myself 'why?' and I am a thinker like our Roman models. I love reading the Bible yet and tying in what I have learned from my classes already. Its my absolute favorite to listen to love songs and look at my old poems. I hope I have my music played off of a Yahoo Radio when I have my wedding! I have picked through a lot of good songs and I have my own older collection. I love Rockstar Energy drinks and the music by them of course too. I'm listening to Nellie Fretado right now.

So here is a new poem:

I'm a lover not a hater
Look me up and down
Talk about me all you want
If I'm not good enough for you turn around
Walk Out
In fact Run!
Because I have nothing better to do
Then make friends, go to school,
Have guy friends
And Have fun!