Friday, February 12, 2010

I'm going to be twenty !

I am so excited that I'm going to be twenty!! Hello World, here I come. P.S. I Love You very much! I can't wait to see what else awaits. I love my friends dearly and hope that all have a nice weekend. As for me, I am excited, excited, EXCITED! Then again, ...I'm getting pretty old aren't I? Haha, at least I'm not over the hill yet. Hehe. Mom's birthday is two days before mine. So this means that she I am a third of her age, as far as doing some math and my bro is getting older too. He is 25. Wow! I hope my Dad doesn't get any older though. I love him too much and I don't want to see any of my family go. That's what he talks about sometimes. He's sick right now not feeling well. Could be missing work too. Either way Love my family & friends very, very much! And I do like the show, "P.S. I Love You" because I'm just like that! That's right. I'm attached. Oh and I drove through a crater today. Hopefully my car's ok..., that wouldn't be a very nice valentine's day if my car broke down because of dragging this old unconditioned road. Still leaving every morning and challenging a hillside of snow with front wheel drive!


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