Friday, December 08, 2017

Biological Hazards and Illnesses and Universal Precautions

Believe it or not some kind of virus is going around making everyone ill.  I would say if you think your water is contaminated I would definitely get it tested and if it has anything hazardous in it boil order or chlorinate it.  Although chlorinated water isn't all that good for you its better than getting a sickness that you cannot fight or get over very easily. They did say that ebola was here.  It's possible so ask your doctors to find what it is so we can clarify.  If its in the water definitely chlorinate it.  But first just start using Sodium carbonate to purify it for your Mitotic division and to prevent cancers.  Just a little above the hardness of the water.  Use gloves and masks and learn universal precautions in  dealing with sicknesses.  Disinfect those germs!


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