Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A Poem For An Endless Love:

Love is for the Eye of the Beholder
The Man & Wife that give their Heart

The Kiss at the End of the Day
The Hug sweet as a Tart

This Love Is Youthful
& It will Everlast

Waiting for its time
To Effervesce

The Memory to My Heart
The Head that you have blessed

I think of One
I think of Many

I think there is one
One to Scanty

But My Love Doesn't Change
It Surely Does Endure

If I have Loved You Once
Then I have Loved You Sure

I take my Heart
Vow My Hand

Write Endure
Brave to Withstand

In a Poet's Heart
Is the Romance of a Flame

And When a Flame Withers
Love Starts Up Again

Although You Must Kindle a Fire
I Will Surely Live

The Flame in Your Heart
The Heart That You Give

I Will Not Waste You
My Heart Says Clear

I Will Hug You
Until The End is Near

And Once It's All Over
I'll Greet You With A Kiss

We'll Remember the Hard Times...
But Also Remember THis..:

Love Never Fails
It Will Endure
My Love For You Friend
Is My Cure


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