Friday, December 08, 2017

Effects of Warfare in WWI and WWII

When I was in World History in highschool I chose it for a reason.  I wanted to change the destructive paths of mankind from the past. I wanted to see how mankind went wrong in making decisions then and how I could make our future humankind more adept to dealing with things like war and famine and disease and how to prevent them in the first place and improve them with a better quality of life.  Who wouldn't right?  Sometimes mankind is sick and does depraved things to one another.  That actually isn't the right choice of life for us.  What sense would it make for us to have survived this long and totally go into extinction years later never to return or to inhabit the known Earth for what it is?  I've always been a problem solver and to me this is one of the reasons I am adept to it.  I realize it takes humanitarians and soldiers to make the world better.  Who better else than your family? My family, your family, our family.  Let me remind you if we are here its because we are God's children.  Why else leave so much evidence behind from our ancestors.  We may be smart enough to understand science but there are still some things we can't explain that point to God.  God and Sciences are the upmost disciplines and it takes a good structured and noteworthy trust and foundation to put it upon.  Who else better than the families of this Earth to help improve the effects of World Mass Destruction that has been harped on on the families from Our Past WHO & WHICH Will Never Be Forgotten?  World War III effects would be starvation, economy crashes, rationing food, nuclear warfare, biological warfare, no quality to live, no quality to drink, no quality to thrive!  We Have To FIGHT THIS!!!

Forever More May We All Hold Hands As Brothers And Sisters!

Resolve your issues through the Bible not Warfare!!

For the Word is the Sword

And When there is a Time For Everything??

War against War and destruction.

Practice Disciplines!

Ecclesiastes 3:1

We need a higher functioning world! Not a destitute One!


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