Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Call For Restorative Justice & Reform

Many times an officer sacrifices their life either for the good of the community or going down in a personal struggle.   In every case, when an officer's life is lost it is rightly a sad loss of a life.  Nonetheless, what are leading to these struggles? Are we leaving ourselves at risk by the way we are constructing our societies and families??  Many times, one does not know the sadness, the struggle or the objection to the happiness of one who is struggling at the hands of others.  You never really know the extent of abuses that any one person can go through.  So therefore, Learn to Love, Learn to Love my friends.  And even when your heart gets exhausted, Love Again.  For Love Covers Over A Multitude of Sins.  We do not know the situation but sometimes poor people skills can lead an official at risk so best to work on these.  Nonetheless, Restorative Justice brings a society back to life and people begin to achieve self-worth again.  Do Not Abuse  Your Power!!! I Repeat Do Not! - Because Nothing, Nothing-good will ever come from it.  People skills and improvements in personal abilities increases success rates of learning in our schools from anywhere to our students, our teachers, and thus graduates and possibly Police who are in good standing later on.  RESTORATIVE  JUSTIECE (In Memory of Justice Scalia) Reformation for society.  Sometimes Neutrality is the answer; Sometimes Actions in Love, Justice, or Even *Kindness* is the best medicine for society. -Not Pills, -Not Drugs, - Not flawed Prescription Drugs.  Yes, We Are One Big Family and WE SHOULD be -Healing Each other- Using Acts of Kindess.  Not creating more of a personal struggle so a given person can't succeed in society.  Some of these people are homeless, some are rich, some don't care....but What do we do Fellow Brother & Sisters?  JUSTICE is a Powerful Thing but the One Love of the World is Kindness.  So be sure to Pass It On.

Estar Con Mi Familia

-For the Love of the People

All Love**

In Love of God's Hand the World Exists-

Kindness is the Answer

Happy World Reform--

Pass Kindness Forward & Start A Movement

-Less lives Lost When We Love



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