Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Cure to Cancer in Energy Levels and Amino Acids: By Dr. Jessica Gerlemann

I had played with Energy levels back in College Chemistry and my Intelligent Professor was Brilliant and like a 2nd Father to me!  I have a graduate picture with him!!! My Chemistry Professor taught us how to do this.  I put this one together all by myself.

Ok, so stick with me and hear me out!  I kept playing with the idea of Salt is the cure and the dose is the poison in my head.  Too much or too little of things make a difference in everybody and especially Chemical Element Compounds that are safe to ingest.  Old time Farmers always used to say that Salt is a cure and made most of their meats with it thus giving you the heat form illustration of how salt with fats red meat and heat was partially-although not fully beneficial it was slightly good for you!! :)

Ok, so too much water with too much salt many times causes water gain and water pills have to be used and a diet is given.  Too much salt with not enough water gives you a sticky effect.  Let me explain, and pay attention to the dehydration reaction.  You see in cellular compounds when two cells exchange electrons a dehydration reaction occurs in which 2 of the Hydrogens form water from an OH- and a H+. 

Step #1  I show how Nitrogen and Sodium react in Energy levels.

Step #2 I show a dehydration reaction for Carbon and Nitrogen.

Step #3 I show exactly what the  Amino Acid looks like in the body after a dehydration reaction. 

Step #4 I show how with a Hydrogen Atom representing an R and a double bonded Oxygen that Carbon is the likely element to get bonded with Oxygen thus pointing 6 periodic elements away you end up with Sodium.

Step #5 Likely, we can conclude that Sodium Carbonate is a good active protein product-compound choice with a bionic driver that attaches itself to the cancerous cell's active site. 

And thus, my explanation for our better future!!! <3 p="">

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                                                   Copyright: Jessica Gerlemann


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