Friday, April 03, 2015

2/29/2020 Afternoon Beach California "My start of a book"

 I was headed on my way into work when suddenly I'm surprised by my own surmises again.  Half the world is playing with me in Baja.  I'm driving my Lamborghini in its teal color.  I just came from Ed's and Caroline's house.  There is a old For that pulls up behind me and shines its bright led lights on me.  Suddenly there are helicopters overhead and I just want to get to work safely.  The thoughts running through my head.  Who were my recent enemies?  What kind of criminals had followed me from Sacramento? There had been some killings, turmoil, protests and unrest there.  I park my car into the garage of the house at Janine's and we instantly become best friends as I watch the helicopter searching outside for the Ford that suddenly appeared from behind me about midnight.  I had wondered what had been going on.  Who had I crossed paths with? Did I almost meet my life's end again? And this time half asleep and none the wiser? And yet, I knew my Brother Ken was in the FBI looking after the guys like me. I had a few friends in my time.  Particularly women in which I romanticized.  The next day i went home and fell asleep.  Woke back up two days later and wondered if it was all just a dream! Was I?

For Your Blood Is of My Blood

It said the Word of God "Is" the Word of God "Was" and the Word of God "Became."  Therefore my friends, my disciples, my children know that in this bittersweet world full of fantasy, tragedy, reality, suppression and all the many atrocities of the worst of trials and tribulations "KNOW" who made you. "KNOW" that it is God who sent his Son Jesus Christ, Gabriel and Michael forward as a human on Earth.  He sent "HIM" a perfect part of himself to suffer with us.  For us to know that of and above all in all of this salvation is befitting to mankind in the making.  Watched Fast and Furious 7 today and went to the Memorial of Jesus Christ.  I AM sitting and sipping on Wine and Writing from my heart to write onto yours and to TEACH.  For you to know that you are my family.  For I told God today and tonight the same way I have any righteous person.  For I send myself forth to conquer if I an Angel of God and the mightiest in form.  To let you know I truly believe in soldiering myself to conquer for the salvation of the human race. Will you help one of the biggest movements in mankind's history? Watch Fast & Furious 7.  Read the old excerpts from some of the oldest Bibles and know.  I once say and I will say again just as I did to God and Jesus tonight.  For you to know, if we turn, if we give up know we slip down a slippery slope full of death and betrayal, hatred & famine, trial and tribulation.  But if we stand together and fight!!!! Think my friends.  What does Vin Diesel always say?/   "I don't got friends I have 'Family.'"  For You & God to Know Your Blood is My Blood.  Perfection is on it's way.  Do you not want to struggle anymore? Do you wish you weren't suffering or depressed about this life's anxieties?  Study up my friends!!!

//Estar con mi familia

For God loved the World so much he gave his only begotten Son.  For a Criminal to turn an act of crime or life of crime into a life where he fights with Officers side by side?  Heroic! Is it not?  You see what makes Vin Diesel a Heroine is that he gave up his life almost for his family! He almost layed down his life for them! And he always fights for them.  And what religion is He? Catholic!!! I'm Jehovah's Witness and I recognize all religions, all entities and all doctoral organizations and hospitals and practices can perfect themselves in the name of God and prosper.  Don't forget what being truly rich is when you are miserable.  Find a book!!! Find Knowledge.  Prosper.  Take the sources of knowledge in your heart and carry them with you daily.  For Jesus is blood of my blood.  Adam inherited Sin from the Tree of knowledge of Good & Bad.  It all starts with the right choices, actions, and knowledge.  From my heart to yours may peace be within you always.  Don't give up on finding cures..don't give up on finding clues...don't give up on cleaning up crime and teaching ppl right from wrong.  Everyday we live one more day because of the salvation of the legacy of the knowledge that Jesus & God left traces of from the sacred secret on the Earth!

With deepest love  & sympathy to all!

//Estar con mi familia