Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Death Metal

You know I was listening to death metal and let’s just say it has a message.  One talked about all these demons and losing the war.  Kinda the way I feel at times and then it just reinvigorated me to do more to feel the moment and never let this life drag me down.  Let’s just say if I go down drag a few along with me? Because these wars with demons are daily.  They come through all these ways in which people treat you and they try to drag you down and mess you up as best as they can. Some demons are in people.  Maybe I should see if they are posessed. Anyhow, they are influenced by Satan and the daily fight can get so draining.  But, not if you are reinvigorated.  Thinking about some shit that may get real.  I always used to change Nickelback lyrics to say, “Revenge, city cold.”  I wonder what I can still do with my courage? I wish better times for Ferguson.  Maybe there is something we don’t know yet! A lot of things really.  I can think of a number of things.  In other words, “Imma gunna ride the beast!!!” If I pass through this darkness I get another glimpse of God anyhow.  Death metal turning out to be not really that bad at all!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014



“You know; We go into this world thinking we know everything. We go out of this world realizing we knew nothing.”

In all the scientific dimensions that human kind have explored the ones without God seem to be dead because they are a failure to time until they realize the value of God in their life is the Word or the Promise in which was meant to save “their” life as the equivalent first! We go into galaxies looking to explore new worlds and trying to find the inevitable when all we need is to understand the imminent one and that  is right here and we just need to seek it out, search it, and find the answers.  In interstellar a relationship between a Father and a Daughter grows.  He goes into NASA and leaves Earth to find mute darkness and unearthed life but the eyes of God’s hand.  How reminiscent is it in itself to realize that all these dimensions we explore are the unknown hands of God and his Love.  He sees his daughter in the future and wakes up as if he was from being asleep in a dream.  Sometimes life is a dream. You’ve got to live it.  We spend all this time avoiding the most precious realms and fighting over petty things making us the most futile race unlike no other species.  Do you notice how in all these things they are “searching” for something?  They are exploring God’s
heart and Satan’s without even realizing it.  The realms and the inevitable realities of this world left in the human DNA and scenes of this Earth.  The most inevitable thing that was put into humankind by God was searching out something.  In the end through all the frustrations death comes, mankind realizes “wrongs” and “rights” realities of the surreal and the truths of the Universe.  In the end they are searching out God and seeing through his eyes after death.  So consider the dreams of the surreal.  God may be teaching you something.  Your mind is a gift from God and what you see and put together should relay a message to you.  The point is:  Interpreting it the right way.  Even if it is 4 or 5 or a million different specific ways.  In the end, the inevitable journey is the will of God and mankind.  Suffering was never intended and only came from straying from God.  Mankind can only save itself through the salvation of the message of God first.  Then after the message of life is understood then and only “then” do scientists, doctors, lawyers, teachers and the rest of the world and humankind’s race realize the purpose.  It was never war but rather the Love of God and Knowledge of the World through his eyes!  Interstellar was Interstellar.  Everything was a mix of the realities about God and Life and the Unknown and the Known Sciences.  Life’s greatest equation in the end was the Life that he gained through his kids and God.  He got to see his life through the eyes of God from several Scientific dimensions.  Life’s greatest equations is the “Word of Life.”  Quantum physics, Physical Science and all of the above has never sufficed the Love of God on it’s own two feet.  It is “Both” that leads us to “Great Things!!!”  So the Unknown world of ghosts could be the dimensions of angels or demons, good and bad messages all relayed for a purpose or a reason!!!!  The Universe communicates itself.  Survival is the key.  We think we know everything until we realize we knew nothing of the journey’s greatness!” All these Sciences we explore!  Ask yourself, “Where did they come from?” And don’t let the journey cheat you! The answer was the great one who existed before the beginning. When you take on the journey without him you are going to be hurting and trying to understand all these wonderful things that God truly created to be enjoyed by your beautiful eyes!!