Monday, February 18, 2013

My Journal 4:06pm Monday February 18th, 2013

When I think of all the blessings around us and listen to the rain fallng on the tin roof God, or Jehovah, for my sake, never ceases to amaze me.  When I think back and remember my encounter in life with people and of God, I still believe in miracles.  I believe in miracles after seeing God's messenger come to me and go about forewarning me of the danger that lied ahead.  When I think of Witnessing at D'Angleos prior to Ben Ownby and Shawn Hornbeck being found I quoted Psalms 147: "He throws his ice like morsels, his snow like wool, before his cold who can stand? He sends forth his word and melts them.  He causes the wind to blow and the waters to trickle." It was so weird because it was like I was seeing prophecy being fulfilled before my very own eyes.  When Ben Ownby and Shawn Hornbeck were found, I truly believe God showed me a miracle.  How can you be a servant of God and deny your belief that in God and his faith miracles exist and do happen?  I prayed for that little boy to come home and prior to this saw the messenger and  knew instantly it was a message from God though some deny me  and still do.  It's amazing all the beautiful odd circumstances out there in this world that exist.  Some people's belief are just as odd as a 3 legged frog and yet God still keeps him close to him in his heart!  How can you be a believer in God and yet deny belief in miracles?  I rest easily as I study whirlwinds because I think of it as God's angels that lay thy dew on the ground around us.  I think a whirlwind of representing God's presence and when it rains and snows he feeds us with his life active force and shows us with his presence that even in the atmoshere of ozone we have the combination for life here on Earth.  He shows us his presence every day.  How is it one can go to war and come back and God still accepts him graciously and whole-heartedly? And those who follow what their brother says and yet does not listen to God? Isn't there bigger reasons for everything? Some things, like the desire to know God is input inside of us. The odd variances of things out there and the amazingly close encounters with death as our visitor we all have shows me...And I am fully convinced, God is with all of us.  He knows we're not perfect and yet loved us wholly in sarificing his only begotten son the Prince of Peace and of Mankind.

The beautiful shores, electrical-static storms, the very ocean and sea and all that is left of me is in

When I think of his creation.  The magnificent stars that he calls by name, the hairs he numbers on our head and yet he equips us to deal with this world.  Everyday life, the birds fly away South & yet he provides for those birds instinct and sight and yet are we not worth more than many sparrows? And are you a wager of unnecessary war over measly things such as who is right or wrong? Right is as wrong as wrong is right. So believe in the Prince of Peace and Mankind and may you be blessed.                                                                                                                                                                             

Saturday, February 16, 2013

How Good Conduct & Wisdom Counteracts Criticism & Injustice and Promotes Freedom of Religion

Imagine that you are a zealous believer in God and want to carry on your journey with him forever and gain life through Christ.  You are on a journey and encounter several dangers much like the apostle Paul did when he preached throughout the land and became many things to many people.  Imagine you are in Moscow, Russia and there are misinterprestations and you are persecuted for your beliefs.  Worse yet, what if you are persecuted by the own brother or sister of your same faith or share in Jesus persecution?? How would you feel in these situations?  In many cases situations would go from bad to worse and even death yes death could occur.  Either spiritual death or physical death can happen within our religious organizations and many times do.  We have freedom to express our beliefs as in having a freedom of religion as well.  But what if our opinion or feelings infringes on another’s or disagrees?  First of all, there are several levels of maturity and Jehovah is patient with all of us and desires none of us to be destroyed.  As far as actions go, and baptism, “Let the journey be with Jehovah God.”  You could be a player of the harp in Strasbourg, France and encounter a beating.  Are you not glad to suffer an act of persecution in behalf of God?  “Yet, Let your fine conduct and wisdom counteract any injustice or criticism.  Wrong or not, it doesn’t matter.  It doesn’t matter who is right because there is never one right answer.  There are several perspectives that are befitting for a certain kind of person.  What fits Jane does not fit John.  Would you dress up a baby girl as a boy? No, because their sex is different.  For many years wars, yes wars were fought to make or force someone to change their lives and it is never willingly. Throughout history it has been mankind’s mistake.  And also, Mary Poppins said, “Men as a group are rather stupid.”  This going for both female and male.   So why not be a source of wisdom and guidance and not persecution.  Rather suffering persecution alone but enjoying the popularity of what you think is right, stick to Jehovah and fulfill the journey of water immersions dedication on a one on one basis.  Baptism is between one spiritual individual and God and yes the maturity and background and ideas will differ.  But we can’t force one another to be like one another.  And also being rude doesn’t give a good witness.  Return an act of kindness likewise in return.  An eye for an eye.  And never would we want to commit an act of murder.  Spiritual or Physical.  Baptism is significance of dedication between man & God not a religious sect or any person or group of persons.  Getting lost in several others’ opinions may prove more like a snare than a spiritual guidance so beware that you must be selective.  Some say there is no such thing as extremism. Yet in sociology everything has variances and many religions do.  How would you explain when an act of faith becomes a crime? Do you understand?  And our ancestors fought for us as our parents for us to have freedoms in America.  It’s good to be appreciative although we may not be patriotic.  Being a subject of humanly government means we should help promote a positive government by giving them support without being politically involved.  Rather, supporting them through our conduct and not putting them down because of their place, position or choices.  Rather to clarify, we can help perfect the governments by giving them the support and help promote the “Peace among men” and avoid all this non-ethical warfare in the first place that is over petty & lofty things.  Rather than say, “These governments are wicked and offer us no hope,” say “Government is there to protect us and we are its subjects and by “not putting trusts in nobles” but offering support we are likely to benefit tremendously from our fine conduct!  So therefore let us allow room for improvement and press on to maturity.  Besides, we can’t be people pleasers our whole life, rather, give an individual the support they need and leave it at that.  God will bless your efforts if you strive to serve him so don’t worry about what other people or doing and don’t expect every other person to agree with you entirely.  For example, Wisdom comes by choice.  The ten virgins were each given a lamp, but only a few of them kept their oil.  The unwise virgins went without and had no light to guide them.  Therefore be led by the light and wisdom of Jehovah and do not break down the great counselors.  May you be doubly blessed in life!