Monday, March 15, 2010

What The Art In My Room Means

One day I was wanting to be really creative and I brought home some paint from Michael's to decorate crafts & arts with. I ended up listening to music and artisticly painting my room. The free-handed paintings after being locked up in my room for an hour or two is what I had used to express myself. What the Art in My Room Means: "Butterflies & Kisses"-the young times I've fallen in Love and Young Memories and "The Youthful & Idealistic Yard" - The Ideal Place for Children. "The Secret Garden" -Resemblence of my downsyndrome brother and I. I've always wondered about "The Scroll of Life" that Jehovah has with the names of those who've lost life and will be resurrected. I painted a scroll and wrote Life below my window. Underneath Life are "J" for my classmate Justin Sutterer and "K" for my Uncle Kenny who I loved very much and who both passed away that I hope to see again. Well recently I had gotten an assignment and Jennifer Van Winkle had come to our Art Appreciation class with her artwork that she at first called seams. It was really neat. Well I posted my investigation on her website. If you want to see it I'll put it on my Facebook display for a while and also she has a website with all 3 pictures under "Investigations" at


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