Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Peace On Earth: A Mere Dream?

I found this article and three others really interesting. They all talk about Christ his background, his lineage and how he was an heir o f King David, Son of Joseph and especially "Prince of Peace." I was reading somewhere in Jeremiah the other day and it said that it would come about in time that there would be a "Prophet of Peace," and that wars of bloodshed would eventually end as Jesus striked them with the two edged sword by mouth and of the word. Armageddon being the war of words and conquering of hearts to righteousness. Righteousness being defined by a combined set of learned background that is proper beneficial and righteous towards the word of God and Jesus Christ. So what do you think..If we all tried really hard and changed our morals towards what is right and melted down all the guns and bullets towards silverware to feed the nations from and "sow and reep" do you think it'd be possible? I think everyone in the world should try it. There might be a need for weapons for a while yet but just imagine if the only way we could fight was with our bare hands..haha do you even think anyone would make an effort? So to all the protectors of our souls don't be offended by this and love you,..but it is something to try.


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