Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So I was thinking last night,..It was starting to thunder and I saw a little bit of lightning from the window and it got me thinking how I appreciated the rain Jehovah provided. Well, I understand now that Jehovah is a revealer of secrets and as I've come to grow I've understood that each of us have such a purpose and each angel has a task such as even the finest of the dew that lains upon the grass and the flower, I was also singing on the back porch one night thinking if I was helping fight in Armageddon that I would want to help create peace and make Satan miss the fact that he had ever disobeyed his father by showing him what a loving provider he could be and that he even loved him although he still had to serve consequences to him and mankind that his wish was to really spare them of it by making provisions of getting us and him to obey him. So there has been an occurrence of events since now and then and after coming in from singing all night into early morning I prayed that if I would face him [Satan] that he would truly repent. I laughed bc it was kinda ironic in its own way. In about a day or two later we had a snake literally inbetween the basement door and the door to outside fully in the house. I was going out and it startled me and I just started screaming and leaped outside after opening the door. There it was patiently just waiting to go outside. Thinking bout the story of Adam and Eve, I chuckled to myself because it never talked. Nicest snake I had ever seen to. Just slithered right out the door. We definitely scared each other. So off it went and then tried to hide in the log on the porch. Knocking it over I tried to get it to go away from the porch and garage. I laughed just sitting there looking at it and it looking at me so innocently. Before long it slithered around the side of the house. I just followed it slithering away,.. and I followed it all the way until it met the woods. I even showed my Mom and Bro when they got home. Two and a half feet long! So anyhow it was a couple nights and then last night I just started to write a poem for Jehovah as the storm approached in appreciation for the rain and its like sometimes thinks just instantly occur to me as I gasp in amazement and awe over his creation. I always like this song, "Rosie's lullaby," bc it talks about looking up to God. Well that's literally what I do. So I had to visit Jehovah, Jesus and the Myriads of Angels last night and I prayed, .."Let there be PEACE in Heaven and On Earth," and I said "Amen." Walking out a little bit as the sky lit up I could see all around me and as I prayed the storm quietened. Then I just kept thinking about the ones in the truth who just don't appreciate what they have by squandering the advantages they might have with friendship and when they act weird or judmental it troubled me because I know we aren't supposed to be this way and I know how you can find it about anywhere. So I stayed outside a little while, soothed the dog , came back in prayed for peace and went to bed after watching the lightning just listening to the rain. Today I just started reading the Bible at my Grandma's after picking up my Mom from getting her car worked on and I was amazed when it said in Jeremiah that there would be a prophet of peace. I thought, " Wow, what a coincidence!" So I read the rest of Jeremiah to my Mom, Brother and Grandma and I think I'm going to try to comment tonight about something to do with "Peace" Among Our Brothers and how Hananiah died bc she misled the people of false religion and Nebuchadnezzar. Enjoy reading. Maybe sometime I'll get to share some more..sometimes I limit myself. Its amazing to learn tho isn't it!


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