Monday, March 15, 2010

What The Art In My Room Means

One day I was wanting to be really creative and I brought home some paint from Michael's to decorate crafts & arts with. I ended up listening to music and artisticly painting my room. The free-handed paintings after being locked up in my room for an hour or two is what I had used to express myself. What the Art in My Room Means: "Butterflies & Kisses"-the young times I've fallen in Love and Young Memories and "The Youthful & Idealistic Yard" - The Ideal Place for Children. "The Secret Garden" -Resemblence of my downsyndrome brother and I. I've always wondered about "The Scroll of Life" that Jehovah has with the names of those who've lost life and will be resurrected. I painted a scroll and wrote Life below my window. Underneath Life are "J" for my classmate Justin Sutterer and "K" for my Uncle Kenny who I loved very much and who both passed away that I hope to see again. Well recently I had gotten an assignment and Jennifer Van Winkle had come to our Art Appreciation class with her artwork that she at first called seams. It was really neat. Well I posted my investigation on her website. If you want to see it I'll put it on my Facebook display for a while and also she has a website with all 3 pictures under "Investigations" at

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Enough with the Melodrama!!

Ok I'm 20 now. Enough with the Melodrama and sorry for those of you who had to read it. I don't really celebrate my birthday but I was excited to see what would happen if I wrote about it. But other than that I threw a football back and forth with a couple of colleagues today and I thought that was a delightfully fun day. That and General Sociology. I just wanted to say I love the friends of mine going to army, navy, or marines and that I love my boo's, that is my guys! Also I love my best girlfriends. We're all so hitched. Haha , I love that word.