Sunday, December 17, 2006

*Perceivances*Of* View*

Well some may have wondered what it is like to be a Jehovah's Witness...with that I would like to truthfully answer....

My life always revolves around the people around me as much as possible in a self-sacrificing way. I've recently been baptized and plan to work only harder to glorify Jehovah God's name..

So what was the day like? Well today..?

Yes so thanx to goodness that I don't put my everyday current events down on here that I know..I would have all these obsessed readerz who would be totally awed and amazed right?

Don'tchya love it how girlz know that some guys love to see their names appear in girlz diaries? Well I did that out of a way to say thanks and see if u can understand my situation kind of dealio this is quite hilarious some of the things I do ...but you know I like remaining an anonymous person and I don't want people to figure me out because I know the first thing people like to try to do is take advantage of a person! Yeah so throughout my life it has been pretty crazy and enjoyful so far everyone else it had definitely had the ups and downs but I will always have the fascination with awe-ing other people!

So fun..ok so I worked today at my new job again and I love seeing the familiar faces I know..yea so some of the people are like that girl gets way 2 excited for her own good.. but I'm like itz all coolio I got the whole situation and really I was just excited because today I got to seat some relatives and friends!! I saw Susan, Carol, Connie, Tommy, Ana her son, Kile & his Mom and Dad, Alyssa, Lauren, Amy, Jed, Lauren's boyfriend, Jed's girlfriend Amy..and I even saw Alex and his family! So exciting!~Well they are all totally awesome people and I hope I finally showed tonight how much I love them as people like everyone else! I'm like that with all people and especially the one's I've known or grown up with! I don't think people really understand though how much I really care..I'm not's really hard to explain..ya know ..blame it on life because it is! ~Signin off at 2:47 am in the morn!! Tootalie tatas!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Human Manipulation

Covering for one-another, blaming others for our problems, knocking other's down to our insecurity level...geeze! This is what I'm sick of and moreless it's not much better when people who you consider your friends do that and then probably think your gossipping when your just trying to straighten out a situation..or someone twists what you say? Communication- it gets twisted, twirled thrown about in every aspect of our lives. Has anybody ever realized that the whole world can't even hardly get along with each other due to our poor communication skills that we cease to develop due to getting hurt by one another in the first place? What a mess! I don't know about you but I've wanted to change things and I've used my influence to power as much as I can. Now I'm not saying that I'm perfect either but I would like to let others know what we ourselves as the human race have demeaned ourselves to. There is a hidden mode of business in the world where we keep getting ourselves more and more involved and wrapped into a web of things which detracts from our actual spare time to calm down and act like the mere humans we are for goodness sakes! So why must people blame, hurt, manipulate one another? Well, the scripture that applies to the world now is "Man will dominate man to his injury." Why do you think this is? We have developed our insecurity levels with one another to such an extent and become worried about what we want and hurt others in the process. We all need to reconsider the parting of our wants from our needs and think twice before using somebody else. All I can say is I'm glad I can see right through any lie or jealousy! Now not all of us have the best lives but we make due with what we have. This is how we show we appreciate things..and if u read this please take kindly to consideration all of which I just said.