Tuesday, June 29, 2021

God Antiquated Us! Finally the Kingdom of God

 Some Golden Verbs right now are Enoch and Metatron in Merkabah in Enoch 1,2 & 3 found in Qumra near the Dead Sea in which these works were found.  This is the hidden treasures we've been looking for Our Whole Lives! 

   Here's what I believe: I believe God knew that beginning does have an end without a work in progress. It wasn't necessarily predestination because we had free will but Jesus was the messenger of it all that taught us to look for the words that the middle-man Enoch was doing to antiquate the human race by saving them through the Word of God so that they knew right from wrong and that Our World held a weight. A weight of Sin from Err in Our Past and a Weight to Overcome it and Dwell Paradisaically in the Light of God to be saved and Dwell Once We Learned Our Human Err was wrong Which Brings Us to Full-Blown Paradise of God as a result of turning away from Sin and Learning What Was Good For Man.

Enoch was an Earthling Man and a Human Angel that visited the Realms of the Universe to be the Scribe and deliverer of God's Word to His Creation. Metatron was the chief archangel that made it possible to visit the different realms of Existence and Presence. The Recorder of ALL Deeds. With God or YVHVH /Jehovah's Planning and ALL of Us being saved by the believers who taught to us and bared witness the recording of his finished words through Jesus Ransom Sacrifice tells us we are saved not only by Jesus As Messenger but also mostly by Knowledge and Good Works and Foresight in the Promise of God's Word. By protecting Our Future World as Brothers and Sisters in Paradise and in Heaven. God's Kingdom is this. : ALL true believers turning back from what Jehovah says is human Error and living in the Light of God's Word in support of Enoch's works of telling us God's Promise so that We as His People can uncover the Truth about Our Heavenly Father and Our World so that God's Promise is Fulfilled and Restored Finally Living in God's Kingdom becoming in both Heaven and Finally antiquated on Earth from the words of the messenger Jesus and the Scribe Enoch and Metatron the highest, the recorder of deeds and the Final Lesson of the Tree of Life!!! 💜🦋💜🦋🦋🦋🦋

Always. God's Way. This Universe is God's.

Bet now you kids wish you would have listened!!! Always turn away from human error!!!  

This is what this means: Every Good and Bad deed is recorded and antiquated in Heaven.