Monday, November 23, 2020

Love vs. Life

Yes, We Have A Spectacular, Dirty, Riotous, Beautiful World. Important Lesson here to share and hardwire into you...: You can have Love but sometimes when we only focus on "Love" We Lose "Life." Its balancing the 2 and gaining life by the same old-age God given "gifts" "rituals" and "practices." Without God in a marriage we Lose Sight of Life. Without a marriage We lose Sight of Love. Rather, God gave us the "Perfect" Balance!! Keep the God Routines and dont Lose them. Doing Godly Works as Roles within a marriage is Life-Saving. Love Without Life is as Dead as Science Without God and God Without Science. There Are Heroes and Villains in the World. In the End the Same Age-Old Practices such as Social Works, Equality or Even the Simplicities of Kindness and Gratitude gave Us Our Ever-Beautiful World that We Cherished as Earthly Families of A Well-Balanced Universe. Without the balance that same cadence and roll of a waves gravitational pull from the moon needing balance is no different than the cadence of balance from our own mind and our own environments. God is the key because God is the balance. Because these middle-grounds exist proves that humans are not capable of balance on their own but that it is learned from a force and discipline of knowledge higher than theirs proving that there is a God, that he does exist, and that all the General, Special Relativity and Physical Sciences Exist because of his nature and phenomenon of the known balance of his natural existances and creations in our first existent Worlds. Intimately our World relies on the "Perfection of Balance" and the Villain of the World, the enemy of human beings is what stops the actual cadence of the world and starts the wages of sin so that the World fails itself. God is the "Perfect" and "Natural Dominant" Existence.  If Our Brains are unbalanced there is a force of cadence and magnetivity that is thrown off balance in its natural existance. If we do life-altering things because our brain chemistry is off then we have disrupted the physical balance of the World. Say we get haughty and the World is thrown helter-skelter. The wage for that sin is death bc we defied its natural existance. The existance of God is the perfect gravitational pull of the moon towards the tides of the ocean. Weve Learned to balance these things now but without them woe to the Earth for Great Hails of Doom because you upset its balance! Cadence and Physics matter much more largely in Our Environment and accepting the challenges of change and balancing not only our minds, but our societies We have the Perfect Eden but denying the Respect for the Universe gives us an unnatural and undeserving hell that takes quite a while to fix. Praise God, Balance Yourselves, Sew seeds of kindness so that it may go well with You!!

If you have Love but you Lose Life You Have Lost Existence.

Therefore, You "Must" Balance "Love" With "Life."

Fine Conducts of Wisdom by Our Ancestors..Find Ancestors..Find Perfect Practice in Life-Saving things. Ask Yourself "What Saved the World?" And then Do IT! - So IT May Go Well With You!!!

Faith and Fine Works my Friends!!!!