Saturday, June 20, 2020

Love In Action- Positive Responses to Racism

    Well yesterday it was June 19th. On that day in 1956 the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by Abraham Lincoln and slaves were freed and the American Army moved into Texas to rescue African American's who were under the bond of slavery to tell them they were free!  Ships harbored abused and tortured African Americans with chains and bonds to America to work for them for free.  And back then everything was put into a category and most often people stereotype and racial profile.  Here is what I have to say, "Consideration for One Another Shows Honor, Love & Kindness." Not only that but we are setting up a good environment for Our Community to Strive and be Well-Attained Intelligent People Who Will Make Better Decisions.

     Today we ought to be really proud of Ourselves.  To see We Are Worshiping Together!  And that We All Are Standing Up TO Do OUR Part in Making the World a Better Place!  History colors itself as a trouble-some past for mankind! But you know what? Living by the Golden Rule and the 10 Commandments Provided For Us All Along.  God Will Always Be Our Savior.

   I have to Brag on Faith Church's "Love In Action" Community Involvement because the improvised solutions on how to relate on differences and set the example for their kids.  Kids have to know the right ways to behave and talk to one another to benefit from a learning environment and not only that it opens it up to be a positive environment which promotes mental health and eliminates risks of gun violence!

   It is So Important..that We Find Respect In Each Other and Create a Group of Higher Learning in Order to Prevent Ourselves From Unnecessary and Dangerous Situations that are Otherwise Avoidable.  For Example, 1 person Bullies 3 join in on 1 and 5 More fight back and they all get into a brawl.  With the way Primate Form of Human Psyche is in undeveloped maturity or younger years of life likely 7 people will likely die of Violence Because of under-developed understanding, immaturity and lack of understanding the way the World works.

   Don't Let People tell you you are less than You are!  Don't Let them belittle you and if there is a Lack of Respect straighten them out and constructively criticize and discipline them.  For teaching the kids manners, and the World -Respect- We Have Less Violence.

  People get upset most times and Do Stupid things they -Regret.

**Let me remind you that chastising in love for one another and correcting incorrect behaviors is a good thing to do.  Setting the example and using the Golden Rule to get along. We have to set the Precedent about how we want to be treated.  Will All Of Us WE CAN Pledge To Make The World A Better Place. Constructive Criticism and Taking Our Path Towards Guidance that Proves Worthy is Beneficial.

Stay Safe Out There and Remember to Act For Peace! Let's Give Each Other A Voice and Consider One Another.  If we can put Ourselves in Someone Elses Shoes We have the ability to create a trained perspective based on a factual belief system that we know and understand about Our World.  But MOST OF ALL We Need To Keep LEARNING.

Knowledge Saves Lives and People Save People by Random Acts of Kindness!

Goodnight and Have a Good Morning Today!!!

All Love,

   -Your Friend
