Saturday, January 04, 2020

Human Nature vs. Higher Order Thinking

Hi guys! Jess Here, Just wanted to share with you that I wrote my 2nd book. It turned out pretty good! Few spelling errors before my Microsoft subscription was up so I had to cram! But I wanted to share the link with you guys if you want to check it out or buy it. This one was a short book too..Nonetheless, a lot of good information and perspective about life! It's true we all get weighed down with our problems but there is a lot in this universe to see here that gives us a reason to look forward to everyday! Even though we have our struggles and battles picking out 1 important thing that made you have a good day is a healthy training exercise for your brain. So anyhow, "The Universe Book," focuses on the things I want you to learn from the universe and the years we were here as humans. It's true that we all start off young rejecting discipline. This is our "Present-being" our unmatured animal or primate-form." The thing I want you to realize is this is Human Nature. The form of thinking with Darwinism I believe is wrong because it promotes Primate-thinking. Where-as Higher Order thinking such as Science and God is the mature form that sustains and saves the universe from the wrath of the young humankind much ago when we had WWI & WWII before we knew what was best for us. So anyhow, give your process of thinking a good thought everyday and remember to stay positive! Here is the link below: In it I talk about the Human Genome, Gene Expression Assays, Cancer, Sodium and Sodium Carbonate and other neat stuff pertaining to our ever-present World!!!