Friday, November 08, 2019

I Pray Brethren This Peace Unite Us

Each day is a miracle we are alive. Please let us thank Our Brothers for this day of living!!! To overturn flesh for growth and security. To grow to perfection in morale and see the World for its survival! For the days of our forefathers have ended for we have learned a new purpose to growth! Our Forefathers fought and shed blood too often to count and our families under command violently disagreed and went up against each other. Dear Brothers, isn't Peace so much better? We thank you for the Peace you've given us and ask that Us as Gods children set aside material pursuits for growth and sustainability of our ever present World! I think of the old ways and ask that you support us in the World Growth Endeavor. Not one is Perfect and That is a Fact. Yet, we shouldn't be shedding our blood so that our children's blood be slain for the very purpose of material gains as well. I've seen it for the viscious cycle it is! So I am in agreement that we stand United in Security of Our World and the World of Our children. I feel the fight has gone on too long and that we can do so much more in helping each other up fron a fall to the ground. Death is no longer the answer. We have learned a vital purpose that we musnt give up on and its sustainability and survival in Peace of Our ever-Present global World. I hope to find you my brother. I hope to find your hand. I hope wheat is in your territory and not war. And same the thought for ours because for every effort there should be sustainable peace to improve the plight of our territories.