Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Love is a Battlefield

This is why love is so exhausting!!!!!

The World's And It's Desires Are Passing Away But Could WE Give Birth to A NEW WORLD?

I look at my grandmother one day and ask her, "Grandma what do you think about the World? We have all these hate crimes and dishonest people.  We have so many problems and bombings and threats to our security."  My Grandma simply says, "Hun, it's always been that way and it's not going to change and that is why we need God's New Kingdom.  Because the governments and people are failing."  "We need a new World Order that is not corrupt."  "As long as this is Satan's World it will always be passing away." "I just ignore it," she says.  I told her simply, "I sometimes wish things were better."  Grandma says, "Yeah, but you can't expect that out of this old world."  I truly learned you die to your habits or your habits die hard.  No matter what we do to change this world its not going to matter as long as we have satanic people and hate crimes along with other demonic things.  And what's worse is most die to being the Father of the Lie.  The right road is narrow and cramped with many suffering people.  The kind who suffer and go to work every day making an honest living.  It's sad to see so much suffering in England and it's sad to see that suffering can drive one person to the most extremist things and what's worse is that it is intentional.  Intentional bullying, Intentional abusing, Intentional sufferers, and Satan in the background enticing each and every one of them as a hungry lion seeking to devour pulling strings as a puppet hoping to bring the ever-current world to ruin.  You take a look on the news and sometimes it seems there is nothing good to live for anymore.  And yet despite these England attacks you have those singers and artists bringing unity and love back to the world and making speeches to the victims of the explosions over there.  This is what I mean that they are dying to their habits.  If they had one last wish it would be to love the victims in this world.  For them to be brave enough at the iheartradio concert to speak up and speak against these things truly means that their habits would die hard to them.  That they have genuine hearts who care for those suffering. For that I am proud of these people who I can so gratuitously call a real friend.  Those who care to lead the world to good places.  Those who care to be a humanitarian to IRC or to care for the dying world of our generations of people who go to old age or cancer.  The people who lead the world to new places are much like Moses and his followers in the wilderness.  For these kids, they don't know what they accomplished.  Something so grand coming from a young mouth means good upbringing and utmost respect for others.  This is the way our generations need to be because the old generations are passing on and we may not be able to be with them to ask them questions that much longer either.  I truly think my Grandma is smart.  She kept her priorities straight and didn't give up on her dreams because the World she was living in was bad.  Instead it gave birth to her dreams thus therefore the same way that it did for those kids who were singing in Manchester at the IHeartRadio Concert.   That was a really nice thing for them to do and I listened the whole day while visiting my family while driving in the rain and so many sweet speeches made me want to cry.  Nonetheless, Good World (God's World) Stay Strong and don't give up on accomplishing the ways you want to see this world change!! It is so many a time it does on us and we feel we have no control and yet we do.  We have the ability to change every inch of it with our vices, our attitude and our happiness.