Thursday, April 21, 2016

Justice: The fading mark

When you design a piece of artwork you love to put in details and use the tip of a pen or pencil to get just the right emphasis and contrast right?  Well, Life is like the beauty in the picture of the art you are attempting to draw.  If you draw hate; then that is going to often form your attitude.  Negativity is Just as contagious as positivity.  However, the color between the black and white of Negativity and Positivity exists Justice balancing both ends toward a contraire nature of those worthy and deserving of punishment!  However, just like the ink and the mark made with a black ball-point pen Justice is a fading mark in Today's World.   For example, a lot of the good generation seems to be dying out.  Michael Jackson for instance was overdosed with prescription medicine.  And Prince just recently died due to failing health.  There are many people in the World who like to keep the memories of Our World's Singers alive.   Justice is just the same.  Before it fades out we must shade in the color and keep it Alive!  Without Justice we would have no balance.  We would have no love.  Justice is the discipline of Love and Standards.  If we allow Justice to die we have no future for Our World's Children or Our Children's Children.  Please I beg of you for your sake and your family's sake; Keep the mark of Justice alive in a light in Your Life!  You see it begins with you.  Your definition of Justice is not the same definition of Justice as that person that just took advantage of you.  If you had a dangling string of -Hope and Justice didn't exist anymore would you hold onto that string of dangling hope and raise Your Children or the World's Children?? Love stems from Justice.  Justice stems from Love.  Yet, Love & Justice are fading.  Don't let your household live without it!!!