Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Happy About Our Current President Making Wise Choices!

President Barack Obama is sitting in a news article with China's President trying to make an effort towards Counter-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.  I honestly am always super excited to see our leaders make choices about Counter-Proliferation and Anti-Terrorism.  I honestly have been raised to be peaceful and have been keeping interest in the choices of our political leaders although being a Jehovah's Witness.  They have honestly predicted that persecution of Christians will be on the rise in a near future.  However, the political leaders who protect and save lives in their choice-making are very endeavorous, endearing, smart, and intelligent!!  I'd like to give credit to those who give credit to dreams and saving lives.  Nuclear Weapons present a very high risk factor to the human race.  It can cause havoc for millions in a matter of seconds.  The thing is warfare has always been about what somebody else had in the past.  Wise human beings who step-up to protect the human race are the most essential tools the World can have.  Counter-Proliferation and Anti-Terrorism being many times the advocating response to personal attacks of violence or even public ones presenting a threat and posing a high-numbered risk.  As a Jehovah's Witness I have always dreamed of the days when Our Governments Unite on just this thing.   We believe about a Paradise on Earth.  When I was young I applied this to wanting to extend the idea to Our governments and the perfecting of them through reformation.  Most of all,  I think people want a voice.  Especially, those suffering.  The odd part is that many people who have had their voice or their rights taken away resort to having an act of violence or aggression because they truly want their voice back as an existing individual to the real-time World.  Infringing on another's right and their belief is a serious crime in the United States.  Many times, it goes unnoticed in places of worship.  However, the wisest thing is to move forward for the human race and I truthfully believe it is in the choice of preventing these things.  Old times long ago our Forefather endeavored to change the World for better. Well, my choice is to have a Paradise while I'm here and to be in heaven with God once I pass of old age.  But many times don't you agree that those under-privileged should have a voice so they can also change and have some control in their lives?  Giving people their voice back is one of the wisest things you can do.  However, although that being true...You should also remind your neighbor not to infringe upon yours also.  Today I went to see "Miracles From Heaven."  I think it had a very great lesson and it had a happy ending.  For America I'd like to see Doctors who are specialists with the best medicine.  I'd like to see those representing God have their "Voice." And I would like to see equality rights for the Majority.  The Founding Fathers of Our Government today have to make very wise choices.  To me I feel I have a duty to support them although knowing that since they are made up of humans that it will sometimes be imperfect!  Yet, I yearn to see them do more!!!  Many people are angry and bitter and lash out at the World in their frustrations at times.  There is a time for Reform and Diversity although there is also times of Atrocity and Hardship.  I truthfully believe in a Paradise of the mind and Spirit in One's actions and that if we apply these conditions to Our Real-Time World we have higher success rates.  Come on, Seriously??  Shouldn't Our Doctor's have Cures?  Shouldn't Our Criminal Justice Systems be Successful so they don't have to be Overhauled?  Most of all, we should have a voice in making decisions together for human-kinds race for a better future!!  We have very important decisions to be made.  It takes a lot of intellect for our governments to protect their subjects.  The real Bible Students Know that the Bible's Purpose is this!  That they meant to Oversee Grand Provisions for Mankind to live Well & Peacefully.  A Paradise of the Mind would be Perfect Governments,  No Adversities and No Suffering!  Doesn't this sound good to You?  People always say, "Oh, that'll never happen..." or "I'd like to see that day!" But do they really have the Faith to Believe and the Fruits of the Spirit of Fine Deeds??  See that's the thing the World forgets. Miracles do happen.  Honestly, a good example of this and the way things should be is the movie "Miracles From Heaven."  Excerpts on Faith Strengthen the mind and spirit to be strong.  All of mankind should have something positive to meditate on.  Faith is not about creating diversions OR Neglecting Our Governments!!!  Faith is about Building a World around you that is meritous and thriving full of Life.  Honestly,  ALL of us need a chance at life.  How would you feel if you lost somebody dear to your heart due to the atrocities of warfare?  That's what I mean.  Our Children's Children would never survive if we didn't teach them these things.  But the forefather's of Wisdom of our Ancient governments promoted peace and paradise of the mind and spirit.  They went to great links to salvate mankind through wise deeds & actions!!!!!