Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Google blogger rendition: My Life w. Friends!!!

Hi!! Nice Google meeting you.  My name is Jessica! I have a best friend named Sarah and we have a blast together.  Sarah always runs around saying YOLO or we rap or dance around together like crazy people!!!  I like going on adventures with her and my friend Adam and enjoy writing song lyrics in my spare time!!  Sarah and I have practiced “Into the Rush” together by Aly & Aj as a Sister song on my keyboard and her guitar.  In my spare time I like writing lyrics and playing keyboard and my ole electric pawn shop guitar.  Sometimes I love to clean other times I’d like to take a long nap wishing winter was over and we were swinging and laughing on the swings in the park! When I’m not having a blast with Sarah I’m either listening to a radio station in the evening (z1077 or 104.9) or just hangin around the house being pretty!  When I’m not doing that I’m with my other best friend Tristan doing couple things.  Besides that I’m usually in coveralls pulling my Dad with a Hesston tractor or some machinery related task that he is doing, four-wheeling, or petting my Puppa Dog Bandit!  I have always dreamed about going to Paris to meet my boo boo Daillo who is a Guinean Africa baby who likes to travel.  I have numerous radio man crushes and a few brothers and sisters tht have been my adopted siblings over time.  Like bruthers & sistas from another mother.  I help my friend Nicki with her baby girl Autumn.  Autumn and I are buddies nonetheless Nicki and Uncle Shaun.  I was thinking about making a bet with Uncle Shaun about Pearl Harbor because we were watching it last time I was there and I giggled because I knew I could of made $5 since I knew the answer.  I’ll have to try that one with my Dad tho! Shaun needs his money…although  he’d be sweet enough to share it with me!!!!! I’ve always dreamed about being a Mommy but never got lucky to be one myself although being a fill-in-one to several other people’s children.  I like to watch movies for chill-time and rate & review.  Meanwhile, “Mom’s Night Out” is my blogging inspiration because she was a Mommy blogger.  My Mom bought the movie! We absolutely loved it!!!

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Balance & the Global Economy's Growth: Assignment of Purposes.

Everybody has a purpose or fulfillment to make in their lifetime.  If Our Global Economy is suffering how can we improve it so that it benefits ALL of US taskfully!!  Each individual in life comes to attribute or fulfill a need.  Yet, with Imperialism, things can be somewhat forced and truthfully a positive outcome would not have that.  We want a good world and yet with the good in this world some of the bad must exist to make it encompassable for balance of those who take unfairly from the less fortunate.  Sometimes in confusing circumstances Right is Wrong and Wrong is Right and it just might differ Geographically and Culturally from one place to another we are left with Sanctions and People Are Suffering as it is from the adversities many a time of warfare.  If we take forcefully from one another we Are going to be suffering and less fortune and unoperable with less options.  Yet, we need to still eliminate unnecessary risks and work on what our individual purpose is in the game of Life which is a survival of the fittest kind of thing.  Take out the threats to all human life and Always Always lend a hand to our Brother.  If we let cultural boundaries divide us we could be left struggling.  Yet, the balance of existences of an entity in the individual's life should be there only to a personal degree of appropriateness for the individual and World.  If We Take Forcefully- from one another We Are Left With Sanctions and People Are Suffering and less fortunate than an operable world with Options.-

Dr. Jessica Gerlemann