Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Exodus: Of God's & Kings Review

The one thing in life that we should be sure of is our mental perception of the world and if it is accurate.  Have you ever heard the saying, “Before you go to war make sure you know what you are fighting for?”  It is many the case in several Biblical times.  God existed all his life among each one of us in our lives no matter who we are.  In fact, every justifiable war with a good purpose either shared God’s name or fought for the name of justice.  When God surprises us with his presence in all the world around us it is “US” that chooses to accept his existence.  There is some undeniable fact in each human that causes us to search for something and the unknowns might seem well rather magical to us for the fact that life precedes the way it does.  One might ask themselves is it a “Living force” or is it “magic?” One might even do well to ask themselves, “Whom am I fighting for?” We may think we know God but things aren’t always what they “seem to appear” as well.  God is an entity and a living being and active spirit force that is part of every human’s life.  We are like puppets connected to a string for an extravagant plan if you will.  However, because we have the “freedom of will” to choose to obey him or not; our life then is not predestined.  That still doesn’t mean that we as humans can’t plan every day down to the minute in life.  Life is full of anywhere from casualty and tragedies to the joy of a newborn child or friendship and maybe even marriage.  The one thing in life is that you better smarten up to the ways of nature before proceeding.  Spiritual Israel was great.  So was the Pharaoh.  The only difference is Moses respected the nature of God after learning his lesson with climbing God’s mountain.  Remises didn’t.  It wasn’t ever the fact that he picked one nation over the other; it’s the fact that he gave them the gift of life because they were being mistreated and he valued them as his precious gift.  It wasn’t that they were better than anyone else or that he was chosen.  He may have been chosen to an extent with God using him as his Word and sending him forth now that he was.  However, in all of that God used him to accomplish his purpose as his word and therefore did not heighten his life above anyone elses as better.  It seems to appear that all of Egypt suffered the plagues and it all came down to the simple truth that if you don’t have the fear of God you will find it soon.  The Israelites escaped slavery and bondage because of Moses but Remises lost his firstborn child due to not listening to the warning from God.  Although there are several ancient rituals used as a sign of respect to God.  Those who value the healthy fear in him live a longer & happier life due to listening first to the most important Biblical lessons like how God is going to end all war and injustice in Revelation.  God’s real view on the matter. The truth is God is in all the creation around us and you might as well call it magic because there is no other excuse towards something so beautiful that God created.  It’s not dark magic, or spiritistic; rather a light-hearted happiness and joy in the cycle of life and those who choose to walk down it’s path wisely or even run to the finish; finishing a grand race indeed.  So in the end it isn’t how many times you go to church, who you attend with or how many things you’ve done even though they don’t go uncounted rather it is learning what the gift of life is in essence to yourself and God on a spiritual journey of the unknown which is the wholelearning experience that the manual was made for called “LIFE.”  It’s all about “Dignity” & “Respect.”


Lesson: If you do not know the fear of God you soon will and with that the measure of leadership that is needed in the world and that Warring over one race being better or lesser than the other and arguing about these things means holds no true value.  Rather it is when you allow yourself to be used by God to change the world and be moldable like a pot of clay.  If you allow yourself to be the Word you are chosen to accomplish part of his many purposes.  If he treats everyone justly then that means that each of us in our lifetime gets used as the “Word” to accomplish God’s purpose in the World.  Therefore everybody is equal and everybody has a purpose!!!