Monday, October 20, 2014

Worldwide Lesson of the Day: Taken from Movie (The Best of Me) Use Love & Knowledge Not Violence

If you are being abused report to a hotline and get the authorities involved to mediate.  If someone hits you do not resort to violence unless it involves you saving your life.  Try not to think about using weapons to settle your differences.  Then usually statistics show 3-4 die instead of 1 which should be the criminal.  So watch the Best of Me and you'll see some of life's best weapons are not guns like in the movie's "example" where two people die and one gets seriously hurt but in real life as well.  

Lesson Moral of the Day:

Use Love and Knowledge to Conquer and Battle out your problems not Violence!!!

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

What are the Outcomes of putting more money into Lower Court Systems to hear and deal with cases?

Probability Outcome: If we have more money circulating to hear cases in lower courts to pick up on tips and information about the general public there will be less situations breeding crime and getting away with it, less corruption, and more preciseness .

Hippocratic Oath Anyone?

What happened to our society of doctors? And why do we have so many foreign doctors who are complicating things for us? "Do they appreciate us or take advantage of us?" is the question we all need to be asking the most! Don't become a victim.  It's so sad to see so many victims in today's world.  Largely of Drug Companies and Doctors who are out to sell those damn pills.  It's a disgrace a menace to society and it causes heartache.  How would they like it if someone ripped their damn life to shreds???  There is all these viruses here now and we better do our research as to where the source of them are coming from and if the doctors are doing their job and actually finding cures rather than just treating symptoms.  What happened to society that we rely on prescription drugs now like they are the illegal drugs out on the street? Is there really any difference?  Are they thinking about who they are hurting and do they care? Apparently not because their greed overrides their oath towards healing others.  Sign a petition today and make the doctors more strictly regulated in their practices and put the innocent back into drug companies.  There for ailment, not abuse!!!!!!!