Sunday, September 21, 2014


I have this best friend of mine and she always says, "You Only Live Once!!" right before she goes on an adventure.  She has taught me so much about life through our friendship and I with her as well.  The one thing I learned in this life is we are never above anyone no matter how hard we try.  We Only get one Biological Family and those "Special" Friends who would do anything for you and you know it.  So therefore despite sickness achieve, despite adversity charge forward, despite ailment and suffrage of trials "Fight" for what's right because it's true! You Only Live Once.  So LOVE LARGELY, Grant Life to all those around you and APPRECIATE THE TRUE BEAUTY AND TRANQUILITY of the "RIDE."

America is the Land of the Free

America is a combination of things.  We are known as the melting pot thanks to so many who emigrated to make a home here who were known as our ancestors. European settlers and Indians originally occupied the land.  The pilgrims of long ago learned to grow food thanks to the Indians.  And where there were differences; clashes of personality, place and ownership.  Eventually we had such times with Mary Rowlandson and suffrage as a slave of the Indians and the Indians vice versa at a time when turmoil grew and new times had begun where they were moved to plots and so emerged the Trail of Tears.  Eventually European settlers brought over African American slaves.  Movies were viewed like the Titanic that distinguished classes of people.  Eventually societies grew and we had slavery of African Americans in the South.  Eventually roles of women changed and we had women's rights and suffrage.  Even in our workforce we began having Unions where work environments were improved.  What do all these have in common?? Many came and resided in the land of the free where there was no tyrannical government ruling over them.. They sought for dreams and new chances and freedoms and rights!!!  Now what about today?  So many hear about the land of free but come facing difficulty.  Nobody said that the freedoms weren't earned through suffrage though.  However, in America everyone has consititutional rights such as Freedom of speech and religion.  But interestingly, you might want to see what ignorance bestows upon a person in America.  We may pick a rafter in another's eye before removing our own and when was it anybody's place to judge but God's? If you had known of people who were your ancestors that were slaves likely you were taught as a youngster about how your family earned your freedom and may reside in America today despite feeling discriminated against because of classes of people who have made it above you and it may seem unfair.  Regardless, there were slaves in History "His" and "Her" story who earned their place in America and long lived as legends in our American Literature such as Harriet Beecher Stowe.  One slave girl earned her freedom from a compassionate master.  However, it doesn't say anything in history about anyone getting anyplace good by stealing, being involved in drugs, or being abusive or slanderous.  Sound familiar? We have such a compassionate history where our government has respected black people.  In fact, we have a president in which white people voted in out of the compassion of their heart.  In Ferguson, their is this whole escapade about blacks being treated fairly.  However, it's not necessarily pungent or legitimate to say that racism is the source of the decisions of action by our peace officers who led us through much of history like many soldiers sacrificing their lives to better the world.  I grew up white.  I was a farm girl and learned hard labor as a young girl. My name is Jessica Gerlemann.  I loved black people ever since I was a little girl and grew up in a religion of mixed races as a Jehovah's Witness.  Now let me say, I worked many nights a slave as a slave to experience what it was like and to know the heart of suffrage and beared it proudly as a young girl and compassionately.  I always loved American Literature and much of the knowledge left behind by our ancestors and relatives are much overlooked.  Now that being said, "I grew up on computers, homework, hard labor on a farm.  My life wasn't always perfect.  But here's the thing.  We may live in the land of the free but that still doesn't mean we don't have to earn what is rightly ours.  Everyone goes through their own suffrage to get it. However, it should be done fairly, not slanderously or at the expense of someone else who came here to get the same rights and freedoms as us!"