Tuesday, July 15, 2014

International Organizations Serve Our World

We are so lucky to live where most of us do.  Naturally we all know a bad day of crime, but do we know what our foreign neighbors are going through in other lands?  It's amazing how the world can be such a beautiful place of peace and rest.  And in it God should live, should it not?  But what about the purpose of all these religions and all these people fighting?  Are they all the same?  The Bible wisely told us much about our kind and sad to say still tells us much about the human race that still can exist today.  However, we have all these wonderful International Organizations such as Unicef, or American Red Cross, or Blue Cross and so many others.  The National Guard and International Operative Police in foreign lands all striving to make the world a better place.  Young ones, be careful where you place your trust. Always respect yourself enough to do the right things because they benefit you and set the example for others.  We are so lucky to have life, to live it, to see our friends, to even have religion if our country allows it.  The freedom that aspires in all of us to live a dedicated life and to have a purpose.  Every good manager would re-inforce the positive right? Well what about the world? Let's enhance the help.  Positive re-inforcement works well in managing by a rewards system.  Now with the Middle East it might be a bit different. Yet, we all have needs do we not?  If I had the choice to make the world a better place it would be my hobby to help encourage organizations to keep doing their part like they already do.  Wonderfully, we have a knowledge-working world.  If we use it to our advantage we have the help we need.  However, there is going to be rough patches, difficulties, and yes even wars.  Yet, if we war over things mindfully and have a set objective in making the environment better, discuss, and fight until we achieve those objectives how much nicer the world would be. Internationally, each of our worlds play a part, whether the Middle East or the Philippines or even here in North America.  We each suffer some sort of trial in our life, but if we overcome it the best we can and help one another we have the benefits of eternal life in our hands.  Most of all, of all the history in the Bible, the different forms; it was meant for us to learn this one great lesson from.  If we live life carefully and purposely then you are granted life. A granted life is worth a lot more than what any war or fatality can buy.  Be a granter of life.  The Bible speaks of a potter and a molder of clay.  Your life is a pot of clay that you mold.  Truthfully, if you get the full aspect of the Bible; you'll know that it was meant for you to benefit yourself so that God could grant you life.  God in the system plus.  However, our God's are different? Well, what is our common ground.  What can we work on together?  Sometimes there has to be force, granted.  Tough love for the right reasons in all actions towards a good cause is grantable in the eyes of God.  However, your life; you may be wondering what your doing; what direction you are going to get pulled in; if you'll make the right choices.  Remember your faith and hope and remember God looks over all things with his full eyes and there is no act that doesn't go unjustified.  May I open your eyes to the heart of God, the world, and knowledge. Let knowledge be granted you and your ways be parted in peace.  My friends, my family, my sisters and brothers.  I may not be able to do everything, but in your hearts I can do much.  Your life is a pot of clay that you mold.  A piece of artwork that you create. Be encouraged about tomorrow and don't forget today.  Live with no regrets because of the good decisions you have made and may God grant you life and eternity forever.