Saturday, August 08, 2009

Nothing but empty space, busy lives and the stars

I am listening to Fall Out Boy. I am inspired by the random names of their songs. Each of the names I'm sure because of an experience. "We only do it for the stars and the stories not the fame." Looking up at those big beautiful stars every night. I know it is about time to move on. Questions mimick through my mind. What is moving on for me staying in this same old lovesick ballot of a boat, motherhood, a job, a career, a spouse and a structural relationship? Notta! I say I want it all and I'm not giving up^ until I get there. I want the exploration of the stars that sparkle in the dark night. I want to find a galaxy, several galaxies of the stars. Where is Orion's belt and the aliens on mars because I'm going to find them. Still having the same good old friends that I'll never forget. I miss everyone so much. And yes,..I too set my clock's early bc I know I'm always late.