Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hello World I Love You-To all of my friends

Hello Word, I LOVE YOU! Today I am nineteen. Heart Day<3 means I love you! I'm really excited because I'm still alive and I'm not dead yet. Thank you for taking pity on me. I promise I still care. Right now, I'm still hiding. Having issues with my face, are you tired of looking at it too? I'm bored but relaxed and not too stressed. I am trying to get over some small health issues and spending time with a couple here and there. I think I married the world at once and so far I'm surprised because it hasn't killed me yet and I haven't died. Thank you to the memories and much of the honest fun- Love you all & miss you much. Please don't kill me :) P.S. and next time I promise I'll remember to wear sunscreen and non-stinky shoes. Just think of all the youngsters on runners up that have all the world to learn from. Remember a safe world is so much fun for all of us. I can't wait to see how some of my younger bros and sis' grow up^ miss some of them that I have met and haven't gotten to see lately too!