Monday, June 16, 2008

"When The Going Gets Tough The Tough Get Going"

This is a famous quote from my father, David, whom I love very much and has motivated me in my life as well as others. Yet, incomparably I couldn't help but always look up to my father because he had such a sense of motivation that by the time he progressed in his years of age it seemed like to me he knew how to do anything! I love him for that because it's just so that I want him to teach me everything and I swear I'll be the same way. He always would encourage me and say "When The Going Gets Tough The Tough Get Going" when I was having a rough time with my own motivation in getting things done. Well I have to say I'm getting there and he's about there. He's taught me how to run a dozer, a skidloader, a 1206 international and a case with a loader amongst other equipment, he taught me how to rake hay in our beautiful 35-acre field, and the best of the woodworking we've started doing together. I want to be just like him some day and I've added other things to the touch like speeches I've done my Junior year or my current talks at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Sometimes I love it on our farm even though I've had rough times where I've just had to get away. I've ended up protecting our land a lot and we've been spied on a few time here so it wasn't unusual for my Dad to show me how to run the place while he was gone in a Cape Giradeau stay for work. I learned how to use our gun and I learned how to feed our cows with the tractor with the loader or the skidloader on my own. It being a strong will in him, he fixes his own machinery, works on the farm and works on top of that! It's a busy life for him I know and all I want to do is get a job of my own to help with prices and stuff too since inflation is such a thing right now. It sort of bites. Well it just seems I'm a graduate finally and I have all this time to relax and I have a really hard time doing that because it just gives my body a guilty conscience because I know of all the work that needs to be done. Sometimes it's just great when you have things coming out of your ears but then when the break comes sometimes you need it to. But here I am still not making room for much of one, we have to clean up the farm this week, rake and put hay up on top of it, I work in the evening but sadly may be losing my job so that leaves me the work of anywhere from 4-8 resumes and applications and I have a talk at the Kingdom Hall next week, the assembly conventions and auxiliary pioneering(50 hours) for the month of July. I work myself typically like a normal adult, have a young farmgirl voice and sometimes sassy attitude when it comes to showing people the right way to doing things and may be a little bit to my comprehension that I get mad every-once-in-a-while at the things in this world so because of all the changes right now and the workers that need the encouragement. Keep the job you have because they are hard to find right now and arrange any other ones ahead of time. So I guess this is just my way of saying "Hey guys this is my life, sometimes it's all not so bad. Sometimes when the going gets tough the tough get going!"

Love to all

Peace Out!

And be extremely careful out there!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Blood-Related Issues Concerning Jehovah's Witnesses

I would like to include some very informative information in this concerning article towards JJones declaration. There are millions of us against blood and it is because we have been advised otherwise for good reasons. We believe that blood is sacred and do not take it. We have been advised and know for a fact from "insiders" that blood can cause lung damage and if there is a mistake by your medical doctor he can be sued for millions if you were to lose your life do to him giving you the wrong blood type. You see there are many minimal issues you have to consider. There will always be consequences to everything in the world and you have to consider with your choices if you want to take them. JJones has made a charge against Jehovah's Witnesses but let me show you different. They do advise us on a component from blood that is not part of the blood that you do have the option to take. Many Jehovah's Witnesses carry their blood card on hand with them because it is a personal decision they have made as their "right" to their own body. If they want to have control over something get the druggies off the streets and clean them up of the meth, pot or whatever else from their bodies. INDEED OUR DOCTORS ARE VERY IMPORTANT AND LIFE-SAVING *BUT* YOU MUST HAVE A RIGHT IN PERSONAL CHOICE WITH WHAT THEY DO WITH YOUR HEALTH!!! THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CHOICES THEY MAKE AND WE OURS *BUT* THE DOCTORS NEED TO LEARN NOT TO DEPEND ON BLOOD BECAUSE IN ORDER TO BE CERTIFIED THEY SHOULD KNOW THEIR PRACTICE WITHOUT IT! WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PERSONAL DECISIONS WE MAKE AND THEY THEIRS BUT IT IS OUR "RIGHT" AND "CHOICE." Nobody can or should force you to take blood and the court cases that have come out that way are discriminatory against our "rights" and our "religion." Now indeed the health field like inserting everybody with antibiotics or giving them so much medicine that they're immune needs to be perfected in the sense of which and what way we are taking things. ALSO, MY COUSIN RYAN GERLEMANN TOOK BLOOD AND KEMO FOR WHEN HE HAD LEUKEMIA AND HE DIED OF MENINGITIS CONTRACTED FROM THE BLOOD THEY GAVE HIM!