Thursday, July 12, 2007

"Why Do We Do What We Do?" **रेविसेद**

Thursday July 12, 2007
I noticed some major errors that shouldn't have been in this article that need to be changed॥I have written the explanational changes why next to the errors..if I came close to the answer and you could complete my next thought or questioned what I said and thought about things in a different perspective things might have made sense to you in the way I wrote in the above article without the errors..regardless there are some changes that make our belief seem different that I don't remember changing and have to watch in my blog for that every once in a while..sorry fellow readers!!

What is most important in life? Well, thats what many are confused about today. Look in the world around you? What do you see? There is much love and happiness at some times and yet much pain, strife and suffering in others. Many people are just looking for any way to “just get by” and “keep on living.”
Have you ever heard of the song that sings, “What the world needs now is ‘love’ sweet love...” ...? Many of us certainly have and that is exactly what the world needs today! Well there are so many stressors in life and many of us feel lost and confused at times. How do we minimize on these feelings and above all with as many lifestyles as there are which way is the right way for us to live healthily as people?
Well, there is a such thing stated in the Bible that is quoted as love. Have you ever heard how it is said to be that God is Love? Well, so many people are confused at this point because they wonder how he can allow such pain and suffering to go on in the world in the first place..., yet that is just one parallel of the world and the confusion of the details that many of us just haven’t come to understand yet. It’s actually the fact that it’s not God at all that causes the suffering. Many say,.. “Well, I don’t believe in the Bible,” and guess what I say,..the Bible is your best source of truth and guidance not to mention if you have any doubt,...take another route to research through and separate the confusion of the world on your own while the whole time keeping in mind facts and details of God’s guidance after studying the Bible and many of the things it says. Then, and only then, you will come to understand. The reason why you say? Well, first thing first, you sought out for the truth yourself individually and just took an individual path to find out on your own. Yet, there are so many confusions today on what is the right way to serve God and above all fights for soo many years over the solely based “right religion?” What is the root cause of this and above all why is there so much confusion in the first place?
Well, from the very beginning there is this so called Bible story of Adam and Eve in which they strayed from a free-willed perfect obedience to Jehovah God। They allowed themselves to be swayed by Satan the serpent snake in his deceivance। Satancomes to decieve the first perfect human couple in first place & itwas because of his own rebellion against Jehovah God and because of that rebellion alone he was cast down from heaven to the earth। Jesus was sent for the protection ofJehovah’s heavenly government। Which is exactly why,॥Jehovah lovingly warned Adam and Eve that if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad they would positively die। All this symbolism, human at any point could not come to possibly cover at once। Everything makes sense once you actually get the overall theme of the Bible. It actually is guidance from Jehovah God and above all there to protect us from making the same mistakes of straying from a safeguarded guidance that was a protection for us all in the first place! How sad, then. Satan, a bad angel cast down from heaven because of a rebelious disobedience and hate for what should have been God’s glory created a mispercievance of God and falsely charged that Adam and Eve would become like God if they ate from the tree of knowledge of Good and Bad. Least to say, Satan decieved, Eve ate and also got Adam to partake. Sadly, they had any other tree in the garden but chose to disobey and ate from the tree which descended to the understanding we all have now of the world of today! Clearly these are the words from God because after a good study of world history you’ll get the most clear made point॥, mankind has caused much of mankinds own suffering and above all we lost our view of what is right and wrong and are just taking airless stabs or pinning the tail on the but of the donkey so to speak and the donkey being the stubborn world we live in.
Self-educated ourselves on a balance view of what is right and wrong towards Jehovah God’s discipline and guidance from the scriptural principles actually safeguards and protects us until we come to understand other points of safeguarded principle in life.
Take a brief moment to review on all the world history that you can recall back to mind that you learned. Does something amaze you about the patterns of life that those people led? Well, it most certainly does with most people! It’s actually so wonderful to think about the curiosity of what actually is right and wrong in God’s eyes. Most of all,..why should we even care at all? We should care,..because it is Jehovah’s will. Also Jesus once commanded to a group of individuals that they were to have love amongst themselves. Many say,.. “What in goodness sake might Love have to do with it?” Actually .., strictly “Everything.” Love is the whole base purpose for the Bible as a safeguarded protection to write it and also Love is what wells up in those individuals who come to meditate upon it and it’s meaning, naturally a result of what the Bible calls fruitages of the spirit. Why? ..You mights ask.., Simply because Jehovah God loved his Earthly children from the beginning so much that he warned Adam and Eve. He Loved them so much that Justice being one of his dominant qualities also along with Love was there to show his children right from wrong. So to speak,...our suffering is a brief period of sitting in the corner while there is a lesson being taught to us everyday of understanding on our doorsteps. Most people say, “Those onery Jehovah’s Witnesses!” Why are we there ?.. You might add- Well,’s Jehovah’s will also that those who have not come to know him as the true individual he is yet -to know him overall and above all and most importantly come to know and understand the plan that he has to end “all” suffering and wickedness that we have right now as a waiting period until his Earthly and Heavenly kingdom is fully restored back to place and everything is perfected again by the one whom he sent forth and who has temporary kingship right now as wickedness is becoming more intense and wickedness is also being destroyed. It’s hard to actually understand everything yet when we know that there is so much distraction, hatred, manipulation, violence, bloodshed, warring, malnutrition and unexpected occurrences that befall us all. Well, simply.., Jesus is restoring Jehovah’s kingdom right now and those all who flock to Jehovah’s message which is carried forth through Jesus in this silent parallelism of the “behind” understanding of this world. Jesus has taken over since 1914 and above all he is doing a wonderful job at using Jehovah’s most devoted angels to send forth his loving actions in defense of his children.
The understanding behind Jesus as Jehovah’s only begotten son: Jesus was made in the image of God just as man was made in the image of God at first too. Yet, Jesus was much different in the fact that he was created in the exact image in comparison of good quality to Jehovah. Jesus was originally created as a spirit creature in heaven,..implanted into Mary’s womb to fulfill Jehovah’s purpose in teaching his Earthly children and carry out a full-life ministry and then on top of that end his life in a sacrifice to give his perfect life up for all those imperfect others who inherited Adamic sin and give them second chance at life to come to know Jehovah for the the one and individual only true God that there is and ever was from the beginning.
Why do you say that all go to heaven? Actually there is a misled teaching that tells all will go to heaven and it’s not a punishment if they don’t because it’s actually misunderstood to be one of those things. The overall group will be restored to Paradise Earth which will be much like the terms many of you know as heaven. Yet, God’s heavenly government actually exists solely in heaven and has been also perfected and is full-proofed by throwing out any disobedience or corruption.. Might I ask,..Is it a perfect resemblence to our humanly governments today?? Or are some of them quite fair but yet imperfect because of decievence and exposed corruption? Most certainly yes! That is exactly the way it is.
Jehovah plans for his earthly children to be restored to paradise and quoting the book of the Bible where Jesus sat in the temporary grave of mankind for only a few days about 6 or 7 at most he was resurrected to his spirit body again in which he takes on the name of Michael within the Bible when so. After this, the chosen 144,000 most devoted to Jehovah are working towards the sole purpose of restoring God’s kingdom along with the direction and guidance of Christ Jesus in his temporary rulership to restore the kingdom and then humbly give it back to his father and then on top of that sit humbly at his right hand and recieve the wonderful love, training and guidance he deserved in the first place from Jehovah God his father. The Earthly paradise will have been destroyed and those in perfect obedience and who are meek and righteouss to the Earth will survive and live in a perfected happy world opposite of the short time period we are preogressing towards it in now! - This sitting period will be our main suffering and lesson that Jehovah gives us to teach others especially how to cope with an amount of Love within this wicked world that has been overtaken by Satan and his demons in which will end Babylon ,..the world empire of false religion which began with Nimrod in Genesis and will end with the great scarlet colored beast with 7 heads and 10 horns hurling(Satan and his demons-wickedness) her off(Babylon the Great) and down to fall in Revelation with the resemblence of the woman in violet purple holding the golden cup of fornication resembling Babylong the great and it’s wrongdoing.

**Now if you'd like re-read this blog and then ask yourself this important question while reading: "Why does it matter that I do what's right?"

Blogger Perspectives 2007

Something I wrote Thursday July 12, 2007

What is most important in life? Well, thats what many are confused about today. Look in the world around you? What do you see? There is much love and happiness at some times and yet much pain, strife and suffering in others. Many people are just looking for any way to “just get by” and “keep on living.”
Have you ever heard of the song that sings, “What the world needs now is ‘love’ sweet love...” ...? Many of us certainly have and that is exactly what the world needs today! Well there are so many stressors in life and many of us feel lost and confused at times. How do we minimize on these feelings and above all with as many lifestyles as there are which way is the right way for us to live healthily as people?
Well, there is a such thing stated in the Bible that is quoted as love. Have you ever heard how it is said to be that God is Love? Well, so many people are confused at this point because they wonder how he can allow such pain and suffering to go on in the world in the first place..., yet that is just one parallel of the world and the confusion of the details that many of us just haven’t come to understand yet. It’s actually the fact that it’s not God at all that causes the suffering. Many say,.. “Well, I don’t believe in the Bible,” and guess what I say,..the Bible is your best source of truth and guidance not to mention if you have any doubt,...take another route to research through and separate the confusion of the world on your own while the whole time keeping in mind facts and details of God’s guidance after studying the Bible and many of the things it says. Then, and only then, you will come to understand. The reason why you say? Well, first thing first, you sought out for the truth yourself individually and just took an individual path to find out on your own. Yet, there are so many confusions today on what is the right way to serve God and above all fights for soo many years over the solely based “right religion?” What is the root cause of this and above all why is there so much confusion in the first place?
Well, from the very beginning there is this so called Bible story of Adam and Eve in which they strayed from a free-willed perfect obedience to Jehovah God. They allowed themselves to be swayed by Satan the serpent snake in his deceivance. The reason comes to decieve the first perfect human couple in the first place was because of his own rebellion against Jehovah God and because of that rebellion alone he was cast down from heavent to the Earth to protect Jehovah’s heavenly government. Which is exactly why,..he lovingly warned Adam and Eve that if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad they would positively die. All this symbolism, human at any point could not come to possibly cover at once. Everything makes sense once you actually get the overall theme of the Bible. It actually is guidance from Jehovah God and above all there to protect us from making the same mistakes of straying from a safeguarded guidance that was a protection for us all in the first place! How sad, then. Satan, a bad angel cast down from heaven because of a rebelious disobedience and hate for what should have been God’s glory created a mispercievance of God and falsely charged that Adam and Eve would become like God if they ate from the tree of knowledge of Good and Bad. Least to say, Satan decieved, Eve ate and also got Adam to partake. Sadly, they had any other tree in the garden but chose to disobey and ate from the tree which descended to the understanding we all have now of the world of today! Clearly these are the words from God because after a good study of world history you’ll get the most clear made point.., mankind has caused much of mankinds own suffering and above all we lost our view of what is right and wrong and are just taking airless stabs or pinning the tail on the but of the donkey so to speak and the donkey being the stubborn world we live in.
Self-educated ourselves on a balance view of what is right and wrong towards Jehovah God’s discipline and guidance from the scriptural principles actually safeguards and protects us until we come to understand other points of safeguarded principle in life.
Take a brief moment to review on all the world history that you can recall back to mind that you learned. Does something amaze you about the patterns of life that those people led? Well, it most certainly does with most people! It’s actually so wonderful to think about the curiousity of what actually is right and wrong in God’s eyes. Most of all,..why should we even care at all? We should care,..because it is Jehovah’s will. Also Jesus once commanded to a group of individuals that they were to have love amongst themselves. Many say,.. “What in goodness sake might Love have to do with it?” Actually .., strictly “Everything.” Love is the whole base purpose for the Bible as a safeguarded protection to write it and also Love is what wells up in those individuals who come to meditate upon it and it’s meaning, naturally a result of what the Bible calls fruitages of the spirit. Why? ..You mights ask.., Simply because Jehovah God loved his Earthly children from the beginning so much that he warned Adam and Eve. He Loved them so much that Justice being one of his dominant qualities also along with Love was there to show his children right from wrong. So to speak,...our suffering is a brief period of sitting in the corner while there is a lesson being taught to us everyday of understanding on our doorsteps. Most people say, “Those onery Jehovah’s Witnesses!” Why are we there ?.. You might add- Well,’s Jehovah’s will also that those who have not come to know him as the true individual he is yet -to know him overall and above all and most importantly come to know and understand the plan that he has to end “all” suffering and wickedness that we have right now as a waiting period until his Earthly and Heavenly kingdom is fully restored back to place and everything is perfected again by the one whom he sent forth and who has temporary kingship right now as wickedness is becoming more intense and wickedness is also being destroyed. It’s hard to actually understand everything yet when we know that there is so much distraction, hatred, manipulation, violence, bloodshed, warring, malnutrition and unexpected occurrences that befall us all. Well, simply.., Jesus is restoring Jehovah’s kingdom right now and those all who flock to Jehovah’s message which is carried forth through Jesus in this silent parallelism of the “behind” understanding of this world. Jesus has taken over since 1914 and above all he is doing a wonderful job at using Jehovah’s most devoted angels to send forth his loving actions in defense of his children.
The understanding behind Jesus as Jehovah’s only begotten son: Jesus was made in the image of God just as man was made in the image of God at first too. Yet, Jesus was much different in the fact that he was created in the exact image in comparison of good quality to Jehovah. Jesus was originally created as a spirit creature in heaven,..implanted into Mary’s womb to fulfill Jehovah’s purpose in teaching his Earthly children and carry out a full-life ministry and then on top of that end his life in a sacrifice to give his perfect life up for all those imperfect others who inherited Adamic sin and give them second chance at life to come to know Jehovah for the the one and individual only true God that there is and ever was from the beginning.
Why do you say that all go to heaven? Actually there is a misled teaching that tells all will go to heaven and it’s not a punishment if they don’t because it’s actually misunderstood to be one of those things. The overall group will be restored to Paradise Earth which will be much like the terms many of you know as heaven. Yet, God’s heavenly government actually exists solely in heaven and has been also perfected and is full-proofed by throwing out any disobedience or corruption.. Might I ask,..Is it a perfect resemblence to our humanly governments today?? Or are some of them quite fair but yet imperfect because of decievence and exposed corruption? Most certainly yes! That is exactly the way it is.
Jehovah plans for his earthly children to be restored to paradise and quoting the book of the Bible where Jesus sat in the temporary grave of mankind for only a few days about 6 or 7 at most he was resurrected to his spirit body again in which he takes on the name of Michael within the Bible when so. After this, the chosen 144,000 most devoted to Jehovah are working towards the sole purpose of restoring God’s kingdom along with the direction and guidance of Christ Jesus in his temporary rulership to restore the kingdom and then humbly give it back to his father and then on top of that sit humbly at his right hand and recieve the wonderful love, training and guidance he deserved in the first place from Jehovah God his father. The Earthly paradise will have been destroyed and those in perfect obedience and who are meek and righteouss to the Earth will survive and live in a perfected happy world opposite of the short time period we are preogressing towards it in now! - This sitting period will be our main suffering and lesson that Jehovah gives us to teach others especially how to cope with an amount of Love within this wicked world that has been overtaken by Satan and his demons in which will end Babylon ,..the world empire of false religion which began with Nimrod in Genesis and will end with the great scarlet colored beast with 7 heads and 10 horns hurling(Satan and his demons-wickedness) her off(Babylon the Great) and down to fall in Revelation with the resemblence of the woman in violet purple holding the golden cup of fornication resembling Babylong the great and it’s wrongdoing.

**Now if you'd like try something interesting: While reading this blog ask yourself, "Why does it matter that I do what's right?"